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德克萨斯大学 RGV 分校冯兆生教授报告通知
发布人:张艺芳  发布时间:2023-05-10   浏览次数:10

报告人:冯兆生教授(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)

题目:First Integral and applications to nonlinear differential equations 

摘要:In this talk, we propose a systematic approach to find the first integrals and Darboux polynomials of nonlinear differential systems. As applications, some new Darboux polynomials of nonlinear models arising in physics, biology, engineering, and fluid mechanics are investigated by this approach. Particularly, a nonintegrable three-dimensional  system with non-chaotic behaviors is introduced and traveling wave solutions of some partial differential equations are presented and classified. This work is joint with Kaiyin Huang and Shaoyin Shi.


报告时间:2023年5月11日 上午:9:30-11:30

报告人:冯兆生,美国德克萨斯大学RGV 分校 Carlos and Stephanie Manrique de Lara 讲席教授。主要研究方向非线性分析动力系统数学物理问题数值计算与模拟等,曾于2015 和 2021 年两次获得德克萨斯大学年度杰出科研成就奖。现任国际知名学术期刊 CNSNS 的共同主编和EJDE 的执行主编和多个国际SCI 杂志的编委及AIMS 应用数学系列丛书的编委



